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Donations For Humanity, Safer Way!

Providing Urgent Aid For
Your Better Future

Emergency relief to ongoing aid for those affected by storms.

Those who require more urgent or life-threatening emergency treatment should be treated in hospitals that have the necessary knowledge, systems, and resources to maximize their chances of survival and recovery.

Johnson Stainter

Johnson Stainter

Director LoveIcon

Ecology System

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Preserve Nature

Nostrud temp persic exercition duis labo nisi utm aliquip sed duis astue au elit sed natus eusmod tempor utmes.

Perfect Greenery

Nostrud temp persic exercition duis labo nisi utm aliquip sed duis astue au elit sed natus eusmod tempor utmes.

We Change Your Life & World

Planning & Programs

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lorem ipsum sed labore et dolore magna aliqua.

  • Nostrud temp exercitation et duis laboris
  • Labore utm aliquip sed duis ipsum aute
  • Eiusmod tempor utm incididunts dolore magna

Change the life, Change the world

Give a Positive & Eco-Friendly
Impact on Mother Nature


Received Donations From
Our Loving People


Different Projects Done With The Help Of Donators


With Our Volunteers We’ve Solved Many Causes


A Team consisting Of The
Best Volunteers


We Change Your Life & World


News & Happenings



Happy New Year

If I could ask the Lord for one gift it would be the ability to write well.  Its not something […]



Success Stories – Ropafadzwa

Ropafadzwa is 4 years old and was born to a teenage mother in the rural areas, he and his Mum were ostracized because of his disability



Afcaids volunteers pay an annual visit

Every year we have the pleasure of having the American Foundation for Children with Aids volunteers with us for a few days.