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  • Former Hotel Rio, Cnr Old Esigodini Rd & Hope Fountain Rd, Bulawayo

The Joy Project

What is the Joy Project?

The Joy Project is a challenge for each of us to find moments of beauty in our daily lives and routines. It is an invitation to be vulnerable to moments of joy that are easily brushed passed unnoticed. To go through our lives with a renewed sense of gratitude. Days can be hard, and burdens can be heavy, The Joy Project is an invite for us all to glimpse the light amidst the darkness and hold on to it, even for the breath of a moment, but better yet, to grasp it mightily and not forget it.

Moments of joy can be found anywhere and can look different for each individual. Wether you find joy in a good plate of food, in the smile of a child, in the colors of the sky, in a well- organized drawer, or something else entirely, we encourage you to take note of it. When you find joy, whether in the mundane or the extraordinary, we want you to share it! Joy is meant to be spread, its contagious. Join us in a movement of joyful people ready to make the world a better place.

Why doesthe Joy Project Exist?

The Joy Project is brought to you by Singabantwana. Singabantwana is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending child abuse and exploitation by meeting the physical, emotional, and social needs of vulnerable children and teens in Bulawayo and surrounding areas. Through different projects and programs, Singabantwana is working tirelessly to give children the oppurtunity to grow up and go on to live a joy-filled life. One such program is the Sandra Jones Center; a home for orphans, abandoned babies, and children in crisis located in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. The Center serves as a safe place for children and teen girls who have been the victims of abuse.

    Some may assume that a place like this, where the majority of our children have experienced severe trauma, would be a terribly depressing place to be... but we at Singabantwana are here to dispel this narrative. For anyone who has gotten to know the children of Singabantwana, you know that these kids have a miraculous capacity for joy that goes beyond any logical understanding. These children are resilient and fight to find and make joy everyday. It is because of these young people that we were challenged to follow their example and be radically sensitive to the things, moments, and people that bring us joy.

How does The Joy Project Work?

First and foremost, The Joy Project is in action wherever there are people noticing and appreciating things that bring them joy. Take a breath, think about something you are grateful for... boom you have been sensitive to joy! In a more physical sense, the Joy project exists as ‘Joy Stations’: places in the local community where people are encouraged to reflect and appreciate the things in life that they are grateful for and that bring them joy. Joy Stations can also be implemented outside of Bulawayo, we hope for The Joy Project to spread to an international level. With easily replicable ideas and printable materials, we hope for dedicated individuals to set up Joy Stations in thier local community. Surpassing physical location, The Joy Project is a movement we hope to spread onto social media through influencial figures as well as normal people like you and me.

There are many versions of a ‘Joy station’ wether it be an artistic installation, a donation location, a ‘add-your-own Joy’ station, or simply a flyer on the wall, all are meant to proclaim the same message of gratitude and joy and spread awareness about Singabantwana.

What and Who do We Need?

We need people like you. Individuals who are willing to appreciate joy, create joy, and use their skills to share joy. Wether you are a driver, business owner, church goer, social media influencer, student, or employee we would love for you to join the movement towards a better world. Connections is how we build a community, whatever your skill maybe you have a unique way to spread the message of The Joy Project and raise awareness about Singabantwana. We need all sorts of people, doers who will help man Joy Stations, Communicators who will spread the word online and in person, Creatives and Planners who will help behind the scenes, Donors who will keep The Project afloat, and most importantly, we need people who care.

    If you are interested in becoming an integral part of the Joy Project team please contact us! Email to find out how you can get involved and visit to learn more about the organization.

The Joy Stations

Joy Stations

  • Reflection

  • Smile Mirrors

  • Mobile JoyStation

  • FindJoy: Scavenger Hunt